**IN-PERSON** Engineering Challenge (Middle Grade)

4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Forest Park Public Library
YS Program Room

Event Details

This is an in-person program. Call us at 708-689-6126 and email ys[at]fppl.org if you have accessibility needs you would like to share with us.

Bring your engineering and design skills as we do our best to build different structures, such as a card tower and the most books that can be supported using just paper and tape.

COVID Safety Note
Due to the lifting of the mask mandate, masking will be optional throughout the library and in programs as of February 28. We will continue to run a filter in program rooms, and limit attendance for safety and will offer hybrid or remote options whenever possible. We ask that guests be mindful that people may still choose to mask for a variety of reasons and respect safety guidelines and personal space so we can continue to offer in-person programming.

Event Type(s): Maker & STEM
Age Group(s): Middle Grades

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